Empowering a Young Mother for a Health Child

Buhuhira sub-county is one of the great Kyabarungira sub-counties in the eastern parts of Kasese district. The great Kyabarungira is regarded as the most backward parts of Kasese in terms of education and participation in the social, political activities.
This is attributed to the high school drop outs especially for a girl child, because of the low opinion the community has for a girl child education. This explains the high rates of early and unwanted pregnancies, early marriages, according to the survey carried out by RPBR field office in 2014 shows that 9/10 of the pregnant women at Rwesande health centre IV are young girls between the age of 15-17 years and that all pass through a caesarian section. This put the life of “a tomorrow mother” at stake because girls who have got pregnant early the relationship with their parents and the community has decayed, furthermore, pregnancies have gone without responsible fathers because men fear the criminal implications associated to the act.
Poverty is another devil that has wrecked the region and because of this girls and boys have dropped out of school and the effects have obviously been early pregnancies, early marriages, high unemployment rates, and high HIV/AIDS spread rates.
There are different stake holders who have stepped in to sensitize against the bad practices but the same have persisted, and as such Rural Focus Initiative, would like to step in to socially, culturally, morally and practically empower the young mothers, so that they can be able to up bring their children and preach the gospel against early marriages and pregnancies, through training them in life skills activities and sensitizing them against the bad early marriage practices in the area.
To have self reliant and sustaining young mothers and girls
Specific Objectives
1. To training young mothers in life skills
2. To intensify community sensitization against early marriages.
3. To promote and advocate for the health of a child.
Intended Activities
1. Training in knitting and weaving.
2. Entrepreneurial workshop
3. Guidance and counseling.
4. Stakeholders and evaluation meetings.
4.2. Beneficiaries
The project is targeting to benefit 30 young mothers who will then go and train 10 per each young mother, thus making the number of beneficiaries 300 young mothers and girls directly. Indirectly the project will benefit 3000 young girls and children.