We are today featuring another special former trainee from RuFI Uganda who was one of Response to COVID19 and Floods Project that started in May 2020.
In our interview today, we are featuring Nyangoma Oliva aged 37, and we asked her how she is finding life after training and here is what she narrates;
Interviewer: How are you Doing and how has our training helped you?
Nyagoma: Am doing fine and life fairly okay. To be sincere my training with RuFi was a big turning point for me since this is the only source of income am currently relying on ever since the lock-down started and as well as after the floods in may. Honestly, at first i was just giving it a try since i was idle and had no work to do by then after being recommended for training. But as of now am working steady well and am earning good income from my daily sales and this is my everything. As a single mother, Am now able to feed the family and save some money. Its surely working for me.
Interviewer: How many baskets are you producing on a daily basis and what was your starting capital?
Nyagoma: First, am living with my three daughters, before COVID19 got in, they were school going but since they have been at home with me.
I have also trained them to do the same(weaving) and now we are a team of four(4), and we are producing a minimum of eight(8) baskets daily.
Interviewer: Your startup capital
Nyagoma: I started with one role that is Ugx 52,000
Interviewer: You are saying you have empowered your daughters and they are still young and this is considered as child labour which is not acceptable as to Ugandan laws;
Nyagoma: Well it could be however they have to learn a skill because you don’t know what lies ahead and besides that am not forcing them to do
it, this is like home duty like cooking.
Interviewer: Fine though its not recommended, You said you produce eight per day, are stocking them?
Nyagoma: No, they are all sold
Interviewer: Then where are you finding market?
Nyagoma: My daughters take them to the market and sometimes sell them door to door. We are making sales daily.
Interviewer: Thats good. meaning you are making not less than Ugx 10,000 daily.
Nyagoma: Yes.
Interviewer: Schools are yet to start for candidate classes and later other classes, will you be able to send them back to school?
Nyagoma: Yes they are going to get back to school immediately they are allowed.
Interviewer: Are you going to be able to pay their school fees?
Nyagoma: Yes. With the flow of my business, Am making daily savings from sales and this is reserved for their fees. In fact they all make a basket daily to be saved for fees and books.
Interviewer: Would you recommend another woman for this skill?
Nyagoma: Definitely yes and i have already recommended one student there.
Interviewer: Surely? Who is she?
Nyagoma: Andreen.
Interviewer: Thats wonderful. We are glad and happy the skill is helping you out. What is your last word with me?
Nyagoma: I do not have enough words to thank you however, Am grateful for the opportunity that was given to me and i thank all people that helped me to learn and those that support the organisation. Thank you very much and may God.
Interviewer: Welcome! Stay well and continue the good work! Bye.