Our Home for Vocational Skills Training
Last year, with support from our generous donors, we procured a new plot of land to accommodate the organization. This land will house the new RuFI Vocational Skills Training Center: the training workshop, accommodation for staff and students, and the organization offices. We will initiate this plan as soon as funds become available. We are currently using this land to grow crops including maize, ground nuts and soya beans to supplement the diet of staff and trainees.
Once our Center is complete, the organization will be relieved of the burden of the monthly house rent that can then be invested in other organizational projects. At times we are forced to train in shifts because of the limited space currently available. Our training is categorized into two branches: tailoring and weaving. Constructing our own training center will solve such challenges.
In addition, the new center will increase our capacity to enroll and accommodate many new trainees in the larger space. Because the area where the workshop will be constructed has no other training centers, ours will be the only center in the area to serve a huge population.
The new center will also be able to provide space to accommodate other organizational activities such as sports for women. The women at the Center have a volley ball team, and we expect our new facility to provide space for such an important activity that builds confidence and community.