The Journey for 2019: Goal & Targets

It has been such a great in 2018 with lots of experience. Thanks to our committed team of staff, supporters and Donors for it has been a combined effort from you that led us go through 2018 with success registered!
2019 is here and we look forward to a joint effort to make it a success. For this year, our goals and targets are already set!
Goal 2019: Income Generation for organization sustainability.
RuFI-Uganda offers Vocational Skills Training in empowering the youth especially the young mothers and school dropouts with extra knowledge and Life skill to have them cope up in this dynamic world.
Training and making our work more productive is the key goal for this fresh year. We will train, empower both skills and economically to our trainees.
With the expertise of Sussane Doebler who has been with us last December more products were added to our product list. Ribbons, Belts, Earrings, and hand bags in addition to dresses, school uniforms, shopping bags (Carrions) and shirts.
In the due course of production reusable sanitary pads will also be added to the product list and it will be easy for production since all our staffs are trained in their production however fundraising for the start capital for production to purchase materials will be a task to work on first.
More tailoring and weaving machines of quality will be added to our workshop to enable use produce good quality work.
Our store will be improved by painting for it to look neat and smart but also to maximize space. This will be worked on by mid of this month.
More important task will be upgrading our registration from district status as a community based organization (CBO) a Non Government Organization (NGO) that would further enhance operation of our organization, thanks Emma Crawford and Simon Crawford our UK donors for the support towards this registration process and indeed this will be done by the end of January according to our consultant.
Establishing more and re-engage our current partners to have the organization fully engaged in throughout the year.
Lastly, enrolling new trainees to all our training courses and preparing our old trainees into the job market. Some will be retained to boost the production of our products. This gives confidence to our customers that Rural Focus Initiative Uganda is reliable. More plans will soon unfold.
Once again thank you our donors, supporters, well-wishers, staff, trainees and customers.