Working from home remains the only alternative for our team!

With the extra 21 days lockdown extension, both office and workshop activities continue to be done from home to have the workload is reduced. “Government has decided to keep in place the stay-home order for another 21 days. This started today April, 15 to May, 5, 2020 to allow the ministry of health study the situation longer,”
Museveni said there are still a number of danger points that would see the virus spread in the country including the porous border points with nearby countries that allow people sneak into the country, cargo trucks drivers and their crews, aircraft crew, UN workers who were allowed to continue operating and health workers treating people with Covid-19
Yes our team will continue utilizing their time constructively weaving baskets and sewing. However, doing this work doesn’t guarantee their daily survival as they are not expecting any income now and most of these are mothers responsible for taking care of the children especially feeding them. They had been used to getting daily income from sales and since this is no more, they are facing another twist of life.
We checked on some of our team members weaving and sewing from home and the lock-down is indeed hitting them hard as they are failing to afford 3 meals a day. They say it is worse for the children who should have more meals as they wish. Besides, the challenge of feeding, most of our team members are failing to meet the daily utilities like water, electricity and medication and because they live in rental houses, they don’t know how the next steps will be.