Integrity Ambassadors Clubs

The inspectorate of government (IG) is a constitutional body established under chapter 13 of the 1995 constitution of Uganda. The IG has the following functions:
1. To promote the rule of law and principles of natural justice in public administration.
2. To eliminate and foster the elimination of corruption, abuse of authority and public office;
3. To promote fair, efficient and good governance in public offices;
4. To supervise the enforcement of the leadership code of conduct;
5. To investigate acts, omissions, advice, decision or recommendation by public officials, in exercise of their administrative duties and;
6. To stimulate public awareness about the values of constitution in general and the activities of the IG in particular.
The IG through its public awareness strategy has enlisted the support of the youth in the fight against corruption. This has been done through formation of integrity Ambassadors Clubs (IACs)
The first club was launched at Makerere University, on 21st September 2006.
To date the IG has launched integrity ambassadors clubs in 37 Tertiary institutions. Integrity Ambassadors Clubs are formed to advocate for and spread the doctrine of integrity and anti-corruption among the youth generation. Therefore, members of the club act as ambassadors.
The IG strengthens and supports the integrity Ambassadors Clubs by offering financial and technical support to members. The IG also equip integrity ambassadors with knowledge by offering information, education and communication (IEC) materials. Whenever activities are conducted, the IG gives out publications and other anti-corruption literature to institutions for their libraries. This is aimed at equipping integrity ambassadors and other students with information about corruption.
The purpose of the clubs is to develop, nurture and empower proactive ambassadors of integrity and good governance through advocacy, knowledge sharing and learning.
The objectives are:
1. Sensitizing the students’ communities about the negative impact of corruption.
2. Enlisting youth support in the fight against corruption.
3. Providing a platform for students to discuss the concept of corruption and to express their views on anti-corruption strategies.
4. Creating awareness about the value of integrity and good governance in Institutions of learning/society.
5. Increasing demand for accountability in the use of public resources by empowering students top hold public officials accountable.
Membership is open to all students of integrity from diverse background.
Members must abide by the constitution of the club.
The clubs pursue exclusively and directly nonprofit making goals.
The funds of the club are used for only the stated purpose as indicated in the clubs’ approved budgets.
Members of the club do not receive allocations or payment from the club’s funds.
No individual benefits from the funds through expenditure which is not in line with the approved budget.
IACs Kasese Chapter consists of 25 secondary schools with clubs typically managed by students and a patron who is a teacher at that particular school. The Schools currently IACs with which Rural Focus Initiative Uganda works are:
1. Kasese Secondary School 11. Mt Rwenzori Girls SS
2. Hima Progressive SS 12. Hima Greenhill SS
3. Mubuku Valley SS 13. Bright Academy SS
4. Karambi Secondary School 14. Nyabugando Baptish Voc ss
5. St. Charles Voc SS 15. Kyarumba Islamic Centre SS
6. Kisinga Vocation SS 16. Hima High School
7. King Jesus College 17. Mutanywana SS
8. Uganda Marytrs College kyondo 18. St. Marys High School, Kasese
9. Asamu Model School 19. Kithoma Peas High School
10. Rugendabara YMCA 20. Munkunyu Secondary School
11. Saadi Islamic SS