The Kasese Floods

Just two months in the lock down, Kasese has been hit by floods of the very many rivers bursting their banks in Kasese district affecting thousands of people and rendering them homeless and above all sweeping away Kilembe mines hospital. The rivers that over flooded included Rivers Nyamwamba, Nyamughasana, Lhubiriha, and Rwimi.
The floods destroyed crops, houses, roads and bridges which has made life very much harder to many people especially women and children. Three of our trainees were seriously affected by these floods as their gardens, fish ponds and one house were all swept away by the floods. There are several camps established for those that were displaced by the floods and these located at Kanyangeya primary school, Crimson primary school, Kasese primary school, Base camp primary school, Kyarumba catholic church and at Kyarumba primary school. Conditions in these camps are not desired at all as food, sanitation, and other relief items are not enough though people are good hearts have given them some of these relief item.
RUFI-Uganda is joining other partners and individuals to offer a hand of assistance to the displaced especially those in camps. We are working on masks which we will give to them now that they cannot afford buying them. The other items that we are working on are the baskets that will be given to women in the camps. We are calling upon to all our supporters and well wishers to join us in this campaign so that we are able to raise funds for the affected people.