It’s a Christian Holy and Good Friday! Happy celebrations to all those celebrating the day globally including some of our staff and some trainees.
On this Good Friday, we feature yet another trainee currently acquiring her skills at RuFI Uganda. Ithungu Annet aged 21 is our trainee of the day. Annet is a resident of Kirembe Cell, Central Division. She stays with her elder sister as she attends lesions at RuFI. Annet has already trained Basket weaving in January/February with us and now doing a six months Tailoring Course at RuFI Uganda.
Asked about why she chose to go for tailoring and at RuFI , I did not do much of formal education, I only stopped in Primary Four in 2016 that is at Kyamuduma Primary School, and since then I have been doing different small works and helping in daily activities at home. So I needed something that can help me earn even when I didn’t do much in formal school, that’s why I decided to come(At RuFI Uganda) for tailoring also having heard of the opportunity for the scholarship, she narrates. Since I also stay near by the school, I was easy for me to choose here as first choice.
Annet further says, she wants to concentrate as much as she can to enable her learn much of the different designs and fashions. I will also open up a small workshop and if I get a job after here is will also got to get start capital, she says on her plans after training.
Asked about what she likes most, she says, I like to employ myself and others. Pink is her favorite color of all.