Year: 2018
Self help Skills for women economic independence

Through Vocational skills training, over 100 women have been equipped with skills in basket weaving and bead knitting across the district of Kasese and Bukedea District in eastern Uganda in partnership with Action for Development of Local Communities (ADOL). Girls out of school, Young mothers and single mothers have benefited much from this project. The Project aims at having a self reliant and sustaining community of young and single mothers, women and girls both in school and out of school. Other activities with in this project is tailoring, Hair Dressing and Production of Reusable Sanitary Towels. All these programmes are designedRead More
Support Girls Keep in school to End Child Marriage today!

Ending Child Marriage in our communities start with individual responsibilities! Parents, teachers, girls themselves play fundamental roles to have girls keep and complete School. Rural Focus Initiative Uganda with its project Promoting Education Sustainability for Adolescent Girls(PESA) brings together all efforts from different actors to making a zero child marriage community a reality! It empowers community leaders, school teachers and senior women teachers, parents and local partners in reporting issues of child abuse especially girls to appropriate authorities for action. RuFI Uganda further empowers girls on how best they can contribute towards their own education through skills training and homeRead More