Category: News

With the high production of over 260 million tons of plastic the world produces each year, about 10 percent ends up in the Ocean, according to a Greenpeace report. According to the current global statistics, Billions of pounds of plastic can be found in swirling convergences in the oceans making up about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces. 80 percent of pollution enters the ocean from the land. Plastic items take between 10-1000years to decompose whereas by 2080 it’s estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in oceans and lakes. This creates a great risk to farming and the entire human raceRead More

This Friday we yet again share with you one of our current trainees. Today we are featuring MUHINDO CHRISTINE aged 23, married and a mother three children. Christine is apparently training with us doing Weaving as her favorite course. She is a primary two drop out who didn’t manage to go further with formal education. Christine‘s major goal is to start her own small scale business able to generate some income for her and also be in position to contribute to her family income as a wife and with capacity to take care of her children in times of scarcity.Read More

FEATURE FRIDAY Still we bring to you one of our trainees in our January-February 2019 enrollment. Featuring today is ASIIMAWE GORET aged 22 orphan from a family of nine under the care of their mum. Due to the life challenges and lack of School Fees, Goret was unable to fully complete her formal education and was forced to drop out of school in her secondary Two. Never the less, Goret says she is happy to have joined the training at RuFI-Uganda to acquire the skills that can give hope for the future. Apparently, Goret lives with her elder sister asRead More
The Journey for 2019: Goal & Targets

It has been such a great in 2018 with lots of experience. Thanks to our committed team of staff, supporters and Donors for it has been a combined effort from you that led us go through 2018 with success registered! 2019 is here and we look forward to a joint effort to make it a success. For this year, our goals and targets are already set! Goal 2019: Income Generation for organization sustainability. RuFI-Uganda offers Vocational Skills Training in empowering the youth especially the young mothers and school dropouts with extra knowledge and Life skill to have them cope upRead More
Self help Skills for women economic independence

Through Vocational skills training, over 100 women have been equipped with skills in basket weaving and bead knitting across the district of Kasese and Bukedea District in eastern Uganda in partnership with Action for Development of Local Communities (ADOL). Girls out of school, Young mothers and single mothers have benefited much from this project. The Project aims at having a self reliant and sustaining community of young and single mothers, women and girls both in school and out of school. Other activities with in this project is tailoring, Hair Dressing and Production of Reusable Sanitary Towels. All these programmes are designedRead More
Support Girls Keep in school to End Child Marriage today!

Ending Child Marriage in our communities start with individual responsibilities! Parents, teachers, girls themselves play fundamental roles to have girls keep and complete School. Rural Focus Initiative Uganda with its project Promoting Education Sustainability for Adolescent Girls(PESA) brings together all efforts from different actors to making a zero child marriage community a reality! It empowers community leaders, school teachers and senior women teachers, parents and local partners in reporting issues of child abuse especially girls to appropriate authorities for action. RuFI Uganda further empowers girls on how best they can contribute towards their own education through skills training and homeRead More
Young mothers resort to prostitution as only means of survival!

The story of one, Gladys takes a different twist of young mother’s situation in the Nyamwamba division, Kasese Municipality. Gladys is 17years old living with her single parent being accommodated in a single rented room. She has a four months baby girl whom she has started feed on porridge. Gladys says that because of the economic pressure at home, she had no option but to earn something through selling her body (commercial sex). When asked how she does it alongside a breast feeding, Gladys said that she decided to start feeding her young girl on porridge at four months insteadRead More
At 17years, she already has two children!

Nyamwamba division is one of the Divisions that comprise Kasese Municipality, Kasese District. It is densely populated with slum characters and all sorts of behaviors. The division is made up of over 20 cells but mere visits to only two cells; the story of young mothers is unbelievable! Kabugho Rosemary a mother to two children describes her story. Her first borne is 3years old now and the second one 1year old but malnourished as in the photo above. She says both of her parents died when she was still a young child at the age of 6 and parental careRead More
The launch of Integrity Ambassadors club in Secondary Schools!

Over twelve (12) integrity ambassadors clubs under the stewardship of RUFI-U Integrity department was launched on 5th October 2016 officially launched at Kasese Secondary School in Kasese Municipality. The function was preside over by the senior inspectorate officer under the office of the director of education and prevention of corruption in the office of the inspector general of government (IGG).in her presentation, the officer, Monica Mutesi Balikudembe called on the participants to promote a corrupt free environment since it was the basis for forming the clubs in schools. She interpreted the club constitution to participants encouraging them to be roleRead More
Young mothers urged to exhibit discipline.

Today Rural Focus Initiative-Uganda received visitors from #SaveTheChildren at one of her training centers of attachment Kasese youth empowerment skills training centre inspecting the progress of learners. This program empowers the young girls and young mothers in skills for self reliance. The regional manager emphasized the learners to fully commit themselves adding that it is out of their commitment that would attract more funding from donors. The sub-regional manager Kasese branch Ms Susan Anek argued learners to exhibit high level of discipline as it is the base for any successful learning. She also added that they should try to avoidRead More