With support from Miteinander – Ma’an e.V and sales of baskets, the organization now owns a brand new mini-vehicle (Tukutuku) The main reason for the purchase of Tukutuku is to facilitate the collection and delivery of plastic bottles collected from different collection sites to the Vocational Skills Training workshop construction site and ease the transportation of products and materials from/to RFC-Camps. In addition, it will provide an alternative source of income for the organization as it can be rented by other people when free. The Tukutuku will primarily be drivenRead More

Bottle Compacting
RuFI Uganda officially launched the construction of the Eco-friendly women vocational training workshop in December 2020. Thanks and much gratitude to Rotary Club Bremen Boettcherstraße for the support that enabled us to take the very first steps. The collection process for plastic waste bottles, which we are reusing as building materials for the eco-friendly workshop, has been and is still going on. . One major process to have these plastic bottles used as bricks is by filling them with compacted dry soil to make them hard. Women, girls and youngRead More

RuFI Uganda registered as NGO
Having been operating as a community based organization (CBO) since its birth in 2011, today RuFI Uganda has moved a step in its status and now registered as a non-governmental organization. The process that was started in 2018 has today yielded fruits. Having been passed in all levels of verification, a certificate of registration and a 5years working permit we issued and received by Mr. Yonah Matsitsi the organization’s programmes manager. RuFI Uganda is now eligible to operate and implement projects in six (6) districts of western Uganda in regardRead More